
Hi there. I’m Jeremy Elder. I’m a social media marketer and digital strategist in Toronto. By night I’m also an art geek, music lover and motion design junkie. shape+colour is my collection of beautiful things. It’s less like a broadcast, and more like a message in a bottle. Less like a proclamation, and more like a note tied to a helium balloon that says “if you find this, let me know.” To me, the ultimate purpose of art is to let people know that they are not alone.

If you like me then I’d probably like you too. If you’d like to say hello, send a submission or just email me sweet nothings then head over to my Contact form.

Other stuff I like: crayons, goldfish, wineglasses, mint, freshly mown grass, sunsets in other places, airplane food, Benadryl, Tori Amos, acrylic furniture, Helvetica, cupcakes, vodka, tasting menus, Pantone, Lite Brite, Apple, apples, the sound of rain on mornings when you can sleep in, Tintin, pixels, The Food Network, that fresh from the dentist feeling, CMYK, Netflix, noodles, balloons, Radiohead, colour ways, high thread counts, savoury-flavoured jelly beans, Adidas Adicolor, Troop Beverly Hills, neon tetras, trees, Scandinavia, synaesthesia, pianos, cereal, David O’Reilly, Super Mario 3, grey wool, tee shirts, little plastic castles, Two Fat Ladies, Skittles, rainforest showerheads, Astro Boy, double americanos, fighting to have matching cover art for every track in my iTunes, piñatas, lucite, the periodic table, gym shorts and your mom.


  1. Hi, nice to meet you !

  2. rednowdnaewa says:

    You are awesome. Thanks for existing, in the brightest turquoise hue possible too.

  3. Great blog. Thought you would be interested in this vimeo “mutant sperm” http://vimeo.com/13028537 Lots of great color and imagery.

  4. Hi,

    I ran across a reference to your blog (the Roger Hiorns: Siezure article) in a comment on one of my friend’slight art photos on Flickr (Alan Jaras – http://www.flickr.com/photos/alanjaras/4328617552/) . Very interesting compilation of information! I’ll be back frequently to check on you.

    All the best,

  5. Hi, I’m from Barcelona (Spain), I work as a screenwriter and director in a TV production company and I have to say that I’ve used your blog more than once for inspiration or as an escape excuse (it’s always interesting and relaxing to see nice things). I’ve been following your blog for a few years now (I’m not sure, I have a very bad sense of timing, but it feels like a long time, I don’t know), and I just wanted to say thank you for your work and for shearing all this great stuff with us.

  6. Very cool blog, glad I found you!

  7. Nice work! And thanks for the link.


  8. Keep shining a light. It’s a daily reaffirmation for me that beauty and love will save the world. I’ll be watching this space from now on.

  9. this is tooooo good son

  10. Wanjiku Jones says:

    great blog and now a favorite.

  11. I love your blog, it’s wonderfully addicting and it holds a very permanent place in my favorites section. I have yet to find a blog that makes me feel so connected to people and the world as yours has. Thanks for making the internet a whole lot more special for me and others.

  12. ahh, your blog is epic. thanks for keeping it up..daily dose of awesomeness, indeed. 🙂

  13. Phyllis says:

    I’m an up and coming blogger myself and must say this is one of my faves!! How long have you had this running?

  14. i dont hate it, thats for sure. Great blog!

  15. Hi there Jeremy
    My name is Johnny. I check out your blog all the time. I find it a great place to find inspiration for random creative projects that I do. Anyways I have a started to print t-shirts with an illustration I call Baracktopus. I could really use some exposure and it is for a good cause. Check it out : http://www.baracktopus.org.

  16. Do you have a twitter? I want to twittah yo’ faaaaaace.

  17. Hey Jeremy,

    I would like to e-mail you some info on a party and send you some tix.

    Please let me know how to get in touch.


  18. like your blog. it’s awesomeness to the max. yays!
    lol, seriously nice blog and i’ll keep visiting for sure.

  19. Hi.

    Just found your blog and like it – nice collection! I will visit daily.

  20. the hermit says:

    I found you, and I like it

  21. Great blog, one I’ll keep visiting. Well done !

  22. DONKEY says:

    hi hi

  23. Stephanie says:

    Okay weird.
    So My friend and I were on the subway wednesday night, and she poked me, and said, “I think that’s the guy from shape+colour!”. I called her creepy, and we discussed it for awhile, concluded we weren’t sure, and then proceeded to complain about your lack of updates.

    DID YOU HEAR US? Because like, 34394092 updates in the two days after the conversation is amazing.

  24. broccolicity says:

    ill blog…we dig.

  25. dryadart says:

    whats not to love about tintin’s hair?

  26. But you didn’t answer the obvious questions, so I’ll give them to you:
    1. Butts or Boobs?
    2. Bettie page or Kate Moss?
    3. in public or behind closed doors?

    Seriously though, you’re kind of funny and sarcastic, its nice.

  27. Hannah Marie says:

    If Lilly McElroy won’t marry you, may I? 🙂

  28. “fighting to have matching cover art for every single track in my iTunes”….HEY, THAT’S ME!!

  29. romeojoey says:

    Hey this is sensatinal…

  30. your blog does not suck.

  31. Holy brilliant my friend. I have to be honest and say that this may just be the most interesting blog on the interwebnetline. you find some great things to blab about…

  32. I love your images. I need your sensation to my job, my impression of the world is conected in observe. My art is need to look you. Thanks

  33. Coool blog! Thanks for linking us!

  34. love it 🙂

  35. Beckyy. says:

    I adore your blog!

  36. bandwagonjumper says:

    Mmmm Skittles….

  37. Your “Myself” is one of the most entertaining, colorful and revealing profiles I have read in awhile. Or ever, maybe. I like how your brain works.
    Pisces? My favorite kind of people. (I’m one too.) Happy Belated/Soon Birthday.
    You make me want to write the second-best profile ever 😉

    … and your Mom. Priceless.

  38. neat stuff from a misplaced Vancouverite living in Cleveland teaching pilates.

  39. I mean…that’s pretty amazing.

  40. cecima says:

    kewl blog!

  41. Mariana says:

    OMG, that’s one piece of a colorful cake blog (i’m color + sweet addict, so it is just for my taste 😉
    Thanx for creating it and keep going!


  42. Hey man,

    Krista gave me your link a while back, and I must say, I’m hooked! How you find this stuff, I will never know, but I’m glad you do.

    Keep on doing your thing!


  43. Hi.I’m italian and my name is Chiara.
    I have reached your blog through the post of Brandt Botes.
    I hope not to have made errors of language!

  44. i heart you and your blog a lot hotstuff.

  45. Ummm…really the only thing to say is brilliant – good light hearted fun at the expense of nothing except our ever so twisted current pop culture. Seriously….brilliant and I don’t like things much…..

  46. Annette says:

    I lied. I WILL visit every day…almost. I’m addicted. If I may reference once of the classics…Dirty Dancing…

    “Max, our Baby’s gonna
    change the world.
    – And what are you gonna do, Missy?
    – Lisa’s gonna decorate it.”

    I always thought Lisa had the right idea.



  1. […] Shape + Colour – by, Jeremy Elder, advertising copywriter based in Toronto, Ontario […]

  2. […] de flash mobs e profissionais do ramo da Propaganda, como o blogueiro e publicitário canadense Jeremy Elder, com acusações que vão de banalização da brincadeira à plágio de mobs semelhantes. “O […]

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