jasmin jodry: time patrol.

I dig this. In this stark, film noir short from director Jasmin Jodry, an underground army of corporate, Matrix-esque grim reapers stalk around the city and literally suck the time right out of everyone.

There’s an obvious statement on corporatization and the dehumanizing element of western hustle culture, but I like the onus that’s being put on the individual as well. The idea that every second you’ve spent or squandered could one day be accounted for. It’s like the commodification of everything you didn’t do unknowingly damns you.

I really like the tight transitions and hyper-darkness. She definitely knows how to balance the drama-inducing device of showing only as much as you need to, knowing that what we imagining going on in the dark will be far more suspenseful than anything she could possibly show us.

Jodry comes be her cinematic, hyper-streamlined style authentically. She’s worked as a designer and animator for Animated Forces in LA, where, amongst other things, she worked on the slick title design for “Spiderman”.

The tense, break-beaty soundtrack is by frequent Jodry collaborators Kode9 & the Spaceape.


  1. no name too says:

    Right! The Main Idea was written by Michael Ende, there was a good movie too, but i think this little idea is worth spreading around the world. And this ist a own creation based on an idea. I think there is the possibility of different ideas to one basic idea.
    And of course KODE 9 and Spaceape are great!

  2. no name says:

    Momo – Michael Ende

Whatcha Thinkin?