t-mobile: dance.

There are some things about this that interest me and some things that just piss me off. Satchi & Statchi created “Dance”, a spot for T-Mobile UK where 350 dancers spontaneously took over Liverpool Street Station in London to the joy and glee of all involved. The interesting part is that the spot, filmed entirely with hidden cameras, was shot on January 15th and aired on the 17th, giving it a bit of vitality and life in the spirit of the spot itself.

Here’s the full version that aired in the UK today. It’s being followed up by a 60 second version airing over the coming weeks.

The spot is totally fun and the idea is great. The problem is just that none of the ideas in it were Satchi & Satchi’s. Everything in this ad has been done before, with greater authenticity and in the spirit of actually creating joy in people’s lives – not commodifying a version of joy to try to try and sell a product. Flash mobbing isn’t anything new; Improv Everywhere has been doing this exact thing, on a fairly high-level on the publicity scale, for a while now. And they do it simply for the thrill of causing shit. The whole “joy of dance makes us all the same” bit has also been done before. Just ask “Where The Hell Is Matt?” hero Dancing Matt and his sponsors, Stride Gum, and their 12 million YouTube views.

Hot off the heels of last week’s appalling news that the GAP (the muthafucking GAP, ugh…) had opened pop-up store in NYC in collaboration with Pantone (read: the Pantone coolness trend is near an end when a dinosaur like GAP finally figures out it’s cool), “Dance”, while a good advertisement, is still just a hollow replication of other people’s ideas, appropriated by big companies and agencies to sell big products and not giving big credit to any of the people that were doing it before them.


  1. does somebody recognise the first song?
    i like to know whick one it is.

  2. The video just reminds me of other instances of flash mobbing (and that youtube video in which actors simply froze in Grand Central Station). There’s a disconnect between the action and the brand, but at least this video is a helluva lot more entertaining than the majority of tv ads.


  1. […] A ação gerou discussões entre participantes de flash mobs e profissionais do ramo da Propaganda, como o blogueiro e publicitário canadense Jeremy Elder, com acusações que vão de banalização da brincadeira à plágio de mobs semelhantes. “O comercial é totalmente divertido (…). O problema é que nenhuma das ideias nele são da Saatchi & Saatchi. Tudo neste anúncio foi feito antes, com maior autenticidade e com o espírito de realmente alegrar a vida das pessoas – não uma versão enlatada para tentar vender um produto”, diz Elder. […]

  2. […] keinesfalls spontan wie echtes Flash-Mobbing. Kritische Stimmen wie beispielsweise Jeremy Elder von Shape+Color bedauern das, auch wenn ich nicht wie er denke, daß es „keine kreative Idee“ sei, […]

  3. […] post:  tmobile: dance. « shape+colour Share and […]

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