
This next post is sort of a big delicious colourful enigma for me. These multi-media works from anitabling’s Flickr stream are totally up my alley: graphic, bright, multi-layered (literally), and geometric. And almost geologic, with the multi-hued stacks, slowly piling up on top of each other, layer by layer, to create an incredibly detailed strata when cut into from the side. Like some sort of otherworldly hyper-coloured canyon or rainbow rock formation.

Though some of her taller sculptural works, housed inside acrylic boxes, are displayed like museum pieces, she also references the cutting technique in some of her other unbordered pieces by literally driving knives or saw blades into them. Haphazardly, like a knife left-over in the butter dish after a hurried breakfast, as if more chromatic cutting and splicing and slashing is left to be done once she returns.

Unfortunately, her Flickr page (I’m going to assume for now that she’s a girl named Anita) doesn’t link to another site and it’s all in Spanish. So I’m not sure what the rest of her details are. She’s shown a few times in Montevideo, so I think she could possibly be Uruguayan.

If anyone has details on anitabling, or speaks Spanish and can translate some of the info from Flickr, I’m dying to know more and my usual internet searches turned up nothing. Feel free to email me or leave updates in the comments.

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  1. Amazing..!!

  2. Love it! I speak spanish but she doesn’t write much in her comments. The works shown here are made of “goma eva” which we just call foam here, it’s like a rubber sheet used for handcrafts mostyl. And yes, she’s a girl named Ana.

Whatcha Thinkin?