fabric: perpetual sunshine.

Created by the amazing design, architecutre, and research geniuses at Swiss genius-factory Fabric, their travelling exhibition “Perpetual Sunshine” is pure feel-good. Giving seasonal affective disorder the heave-ho, “Perpetual Sunshine” is a data-based sensory installation made up of 334 high-intensity infared bulbs. The light and heat emanating from the bulbs is calibrated by a computer to match the current temperature in any other part of the world where the sun is currently shining. So even though it might be night-time where you are, you can still be bathed in the exact light and heat glowing, at that moment, on the other side of the world.

Most recently on display at Madrid’s La Noche En Blanco festival, the installation has appeared at both indoor exhibitions and public outdoor events across Europe.

All images © Fabric Ch 2005-2008