jason rosenberg + jon barth: behind closed drawers.

It takes balls to be totally random, but this brings random to a whole new level. Directors Jason Rosenberg and Jon Barth describe the plot: “A love triangle between common kitchen utensils yields an epic tale of life and death. Told through the magical world of stop go animation.” Epic indeed. If you’ve ever wanted to see a stop-motion plasticine utensil climax that re-tells the beginning of  “The Lion King”, complete with an 8-bit “Circle of Life” soundtrack and herds of wild bottle openers migrating across the kitchen floor, then today is your lucky day…

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  1. Poor knifey, death by insinkerator is the worst way to go.
    And who knew that forks had an O face?!

  2. really sweet but i was sad for the knife.

  3. I can’t, I can’t stop laughing…hahaha. Man that was just great. I’ve always wanted to know how the spork was created! Now I know. And knowing is half the battle 😀 Cheers!

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