nicolas plaire: rainbows in motion.

I love this stuff. I mean, you can’t go wrong with rainbows. French director and motion graphic artist Nicolas Plaire knows what I’m talking about. The beginning is my favourite, with the bursts of animated colour pocketing the stark grey of reality.


It reminds me of the work of of Théo Gènnitsaskis (who, coincidentally, though he’s Greek, lives in Paris half the time; something about the French makes them unafraid of rainbows jumping out of the walls).

Then it gets a little weird. The girl drinks some kind of hallucinogneic NBC-logo water (you’ll know it when you see it) and goes off on a trip. A beautiful, non-sensical, prismatic, “Dark Side Of The Moon” cover-esque trip.

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  1. Heyyyy, Nicolas Plaire here…

    I just found out about your post in my Google Analytics stats… Thanks for the post, it’s very cool, like it! And glad you enjoyed the video as well… That’s funny how people see it as “weird”. I mean, I get it, but for me, it’s not weird, it makes sense, in a strange way. It’s the symbolic arrival of colour in the world. Water is used as a prism (just like The Dark Side of the Moon prism, couldn’t miss that reference, it was so obvious with what I was trying to achieve) and then we get into that bottle that is used as a Rainbow Factory in it, where the streak of light is treated to turn into a rainbow.

    Any way, ok, it can be a little confusing I guess.

    And thanks for the Theo Gennitsakis post as well. I checked it out, it’s really cool, I haven’t seen it before since I maybe French, but I don’t live in France anymore.


  1. […] plaire: rainbows in motion. Collected by shape+colour 28 mins ago from // Event.onDOMReady(function() { // sizeText($(‘video_title’), 475); // }) collect this […]

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