chris milk: last day dream.

Chris Milk is the shit. I’ve been following him ever since he directed one of my favourite vids of last year; the incredible, bloody, (literally) heart-wrenching vid for Gnarls Barkley’s “Who’s Gonna Save My Soul.”

His latest, “Last Day Dream”, is short but exquisite. With a pace that feels like breathing and glimpses that feel like blinking, he shows us first-person flashbacks of an entire life in 42 seconds: the time limit for this commission from the 42 Second Dream Film Festival in Beijing. All that, and he also wrote the piano score. Unreal.

At the very end, I felt tingles go up my arms. Sometimes my body tells me I love something before my brain does…

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Via The Inspiration Room


  1. ‘Sometimes my body tells me I love something before my brain does…’ – perfect description

  2. Courtney Soileau says:

    Wow, my nerves gave away my emotions first as well. Piano increasing, heart moves in rhythm, and the hairs stand! I enjoy your blog! Thanks


  1. […] a whiplash, purely visual style that reminds me a lot of one of my fave short vids, Chris Milk’s Last Day Dream, the vid starts out light-hearted, but further in I realized that was just part of […]

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