Search Results for: lobster

concepts + nike = sb lobster dunk low.

Nobody ever took over the world playing it safe. For proof as to why Nike is Nike, we need look no further than the freshly caught and released Nike SB Lobster Dunk Low.

In collab with Concepts and designed by Rob Heppler, these shoes are almost unspeakably awesome in their full crustacean glory: from the (surprisingly attractive) dappled shell lowers to the gingham insoles (very Barefoot Contessa…) to the little blue elastic claw-bands wrapped around the toes, I’m just blown away at how irreverently cool they’ve managed to make these.

It gets better. The first 50 buyers into the Concepts store in Cambridge got their hands on a limited edition box set:

I’m not sure I have words to describe how much I love the limited edition packaging. Besides coming in a wooden lobster-trap box, there are some Concepts tees, an additional set of butter-yellow laces, shell-crackers and that little metal do-hickey you use to pull the meat out of hard to reach lobster places, and a Wet Nap. That’s right – there’s a fucking WET NAP in there!

No big surprise that these puppies are totally sold out. The limited sets are already up on eBay for about $2000 US, and I found the shoes alone for about $400 US. That would buy a lot of lobster.

Via Kitsune Noir + Hypebeast

mickey and johnny: procrastination.

Brothers Michael and Johny Kelly are designers, illustrators, and filmmakers from Dublin, Ireland. Working both independently and sometimes in collaboration, their site, Mickey and Johnny, is a grab bag of goodness. From short film to photography to illustration to tee shirt design, they’ve got a bright, colourful, minimalist style that they’ve translated beautifully across all the media they work in.

One of my faves is their short film procrastination. Visually kick ass with cut to the bone insights about just how lazy we get sometimes. The voiceover, by Bryan Quinn, is equally awesome. There’s something about frustrated yelling that just sounds so much better when it’s done with an Irish accent. Canadian yelling completely pales in comparison.

Johnny has a whole bunch of of varied works, including an animated short about a lobster named Shelly that falls in love with vinyl records, and this sweet tee, “Body Shirt”, that he did for Airside in 2006.

Michael has a few series of photgraphic works, mostly simple and straightforward crowd, outdoor, and people pics. They’re well composed and pleasing. My favourite is this one from the series “Abstract”. I can see their faces, but they just look so content:

Thanks to Five Husbands for the tip