alex roman: the third and the seventh.

It’s still messing with my head, but this entire gem of a video is CGI. Like a vision brought into a reality so startlingly real that it almost can’t be believed… yet, there it is. The amount of detailed work that director Alex Roman would have had to put into “The Third and The Seventh” boggles me. His dedication and deft eye is matched only by his extraordinary vision.

An examination of the way we visually record the physical world we live in, chronicling our 3-dimensional reality through a 2-dimensional visual, “The Third and The Seventh” is  a fantastic glimpse into a future world of impossible beauty. Or, rather, hopefully through the inspiration of his vision, a world of possible beauty.

Unlike a grand fantasy, impressive but unattainable, Roman’s detailed, modern, sparse film seems dreamy, yet so close to the truth as to almost be real. It’s like an understandable improvement, an attainable evolution into a world of architectural, environmental, intellectual, elemental, and ecological fusion. A place where all of our potential has been realized.

To me, it feels like fleeting second immediately after you’ve woken from a dream, where for a moment that dream is your entire, thrilling truth.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Now that you’ve seen it, can you believe that none of that is real footage? This isn’t VFX, it’s fully (painstakingly, amazingly) created with a mix of 3dsmax, Vray, After Effects, and Premiere.

For proof, watch Roman’s compositing vid, where he’s show us his process.

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  1. Pao Lin says:

    i did anyone mange to trace Alex Roman?

  2. Georgina says:

    This is geniunely the most beautiful piece of film I have ever seen. Unless you work with 3D max and Vray you will be unable to comprehend the exceptional amount of time and effort that has been dedicated to this piece.
    A person with this much patience, passion and vision is truly gifted.
    How extraordinary!

  3. Really cool, I Like it!

  4. ricardo says:

    does anyone have alex’s contact details??interested in working with him

  5. This is THE BEST video of anything that I have ever seen on the internet. Computer work, especially 3D is masterly done, the architecture and the angles are beautiful, and the movie, as a movie is beautiful narrative. On top of it all, I was surprised to see that the music is also by Alex Roman!

    Alex, who are you?

    Incredible job. Bravo. Definitely a standing ovation from me.

  6. Hi!

    Great looking video! Very realistic :). Is there a way for me to download the full video? I would like to keep it. I can watch this everyday and won’t get bored of it. Love the serenious visuals.

    BTW, I studied architecture but I’m a Producer at an advertising firm in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

  7. “…an attainable evolution into a world of architectural, environmental, intellectual, elemental, and ecological fusion. A place where all of our potential has been realized…” though only within our creation of alternate dimensions of reality, through the use of complexly simple computer programs. Essentially technology has created yet another bubble within a bubble, another universe within our universe, making each and every one of us a God within the universe of the mind. Thought is creation. Magic is nature, (or vice versa) nature is magic. Use yours wisely.

    – Say

  8. oh my god amazing!!

  9. This may seem to be a dumb question, but how did you get the Vimeo video to embed? I posted about this as well but wasn’t able to get the video.


  1. […] alex roman: the third and the seventh. It’s still messing with my head, but this entire gem of a video is CGI. Like a vision brought into a reality so […] […]

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